
  • Music

    Music is at the heart of St. Matthew’s. The church is blessed to enjoy a wide variety of live music throughout the year. Every Sunday during the program year, the church is fortunate to hear the classic and contemporary music of our full choir. Music director Jennifer Bearup accompanies and directs the choir from the piano in addition to performing music on the organ, violin, and viola. On special Sundays, the choir forms the St Matthew’s rock band with guitar, bass, and drum set to perform modern music. Throughout the year, the congregation enjoys music of our brass quintet and string quartet. Parishioners perform frequently on a wide variety of instruments including flute, violin, trumpet and guitar. Our music program welcomes all who enjoy music-please join us!

  • Children

    Families are encouraged to send their children for Sunday School instruction from 9:15-10:00am between our services. Our lessons include weekly prayer, bible stories, extensions of our lessons through art activities and crafts, as well as service projects. We recently purchased a new digital curriculum called “Weaving God’s Promises”, as well as 4 frames to create an art wall for our students to display artwork and creative responses to our lessons, in the parish hall.

    In addition to Sunday School, children also enjoy their own children’s sermon during the 10:15am service, with the rector. Listening to them is a highlight of the service.

  • Feeding the Community

    Feeding the community has been a vital ministry of St. Matthew’s for many years. Each month we host a free community dinner called The Open Table on the last Sunday of the month. This meal is open to anyone in the community or the parish who wants to attend, for food, fellowship, or both!

    Along with feeding people in the church, St. Matthew’s parishioners volunteer to serve meals at the Samaritan Center, pack bags for Blessings in a Backpack, and put together holiday meal bags for families at our local schools. We also offer financial support to organizations across Central New York in support of food ministries.

  • Vine St. Veggies

    The Vine St. Veggie garden was started as a way of providing fresh vegetables to the community. Vegetables go to a neighborhood food pantry, The Samaritan Center, and are used for the monthly community meal.

  • Inreach

    Loneliness is on the rise and St. Matthew’s parishioners want to make sure that we keep a close connection to one another. Not only do parishioners enjoy gathering for meals and activities, but we also have formed the Sunshine Committee that sends cards, makes phone calls, and plans visits to those in need.

  • Worship

    Parishioners are welcome to participate in our worship ministries each week. Opportunities to serve are available as acolytes, altar guild members, ushers, greeters, and lectors. Licensed ministries (by the Bishop) include Worship Leaders, Eucharistic Visitors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Lay Preachers.