Youth at St. Matthews

Sunday School:

Families are encouraged to send their children for Sunday School instruction from 9:15-10:00am between our services. Currently, our class is made up of mixed ages of youth and is led by the very kindhearted Ms. Lee! Our lessons include weekly prayer, Bible stories, extensions of our lessons through art activities and crafts, as well as service projects. We recently purchased a new digital curriculum called “Weaving God’s Promises”, as well as 4 frames to create an art wall for our students to display artwork and creative responses to our lessons, in the parish hall.

*St. Matthew’s is very serious about making church safe for all of God’s children. All lay leaders are required to be certified with Safe Church Training through Praesidium Academy.

During the Service:

One of the questions we consistently get when new families inquire about our church is “What is it like for children during your service? I have children that are sometimes noisy, is that okay?” We always answer “YES! Absolutely!” (really, we mean it!) With the music from our choir combined with the word of Jesus, our 10:15am service is very beautiful and enjoyable and children in attendance only remind us of the love of Jesus. Although children attend both services, the 10:15am service typically has more children in attendance. There is a children’s sermon during that service typically, and the children also participate in the service as acolytes, ushers, presenting the offering, or even participating with the musicians.

A few helpful things…

  • It’s okay to get up and walk out as needed. It’s normal, and no one will think anything of it!

  • We have a library at the back of the sanctuary that has couches and a rocking chair. You’re welcome to sit back there and listen to the service while your kiddo(s) can move around and quietly play, color, etc.

  • We have baskets of “pew friends” toys to play with. Feel free to also bring your own toys or coloring books for your little one to enjoy in the pew.

  • There is a nursery full of toys outside of the sanctuary. Little ones are welcome to play during the service as much as the parents or guardians wish.